The Lick of Fire Trilogy Read online

Page 17

  What had started out as wild need had morphed into something almost…sacred?

  He moved over her, blanketing her in his warmth as the kiss deepened. She felt the heat of his body over hers, and she wanted more. So much more.

  His big hands played over her skin, tugging the cups of her bra downward to reveal eager nipples. His mouth left hers, but she didn’t mind as he traced a wet path with his tongue down her neck and then over her chest. He sucked at her nipples, laving them just the right way to drive her insane with desire.

  All the while, she felt his fingers playing with the little bows she’d tied on her bikini panties. How she wanted them gone! But he was making her wait. Making them wait. And it was a delicious sort of torture that she truly didn’t mind. Not really.

  Then, the first little ribbon came loose. Sweet heaven, he was finally getting to the good stuff. First the right side and then the left, the panties came untied, and he swept them away, suddenly impatient.

  His mouth became voracious on her skin as he worked his way downward. He paused at her bellybutton then moved lower, spreading her legs wide as he lay between them.

  And then, he was there. She could feel his hot breath playing over her most sensitive place. She hadn’t been with all that many men in her life, and none had ever gone down on her before, but she’d fantasized.

  She’d fantasized a great deal. She just never expected this to happen so fast, but she’d prepared in every way for her big lunch date, including doing a little extra trimming and shaving. She was as ready as she could be for this…unexpected as it was.

  “You don’t have to…” she mumbled when the pause extended beyond her comfort zone. Was he having second thoughts? Was he really not as into this as she’d thought? A million possibilities went through her mind as the moment stretched.

  “Are you kidding?” He looked up, meeting her gaze, and the sheer image of him lying there, between her splayed thighs, his hands possessively grasping her legs as if to position them just where he wanted them… Well… That image would probably stay with her for the rest of her life as the hottest thing she’d ever seen. “I’m savoring, sweetheart. Give me this moment to appreciate you.”

  Oh. When he put it that way, she got all shivery with anticipation, again. Damn. The man could turn her on like a switch.

  “Just don’t take too long,” she whispered, feeling bold again.

  He nodded slowly. “Your wish is my command,” he said, moving one hand so that it touched her spread lower lips, playing in the moisture that had gathered. Sliding. Teasing. Taunting… Entering.

  Oh, yeah. Moving deep within on one long glide. It was only his finger, but she clenched around him, anticipating what would come when he slid his hard cock into her eager channel. She moaned, unable to form coherent words as he slid in and out again, then back in. He chuckled.

  “Eager little thing, aren’t you, Red?”

  The golden glow around him intensified, but she was getting used to her new way of seeing. The glow was just around him, like a halo now. She could see him clearly, just with the added outline of the aura—if that’s what it was she was seeing.

  She couldn’t answer his question in words, so she just made a humming sound as his hand toyed with her, driving her passion higher than she believed possible. Then, his mouth opened over her clit, and her hips wanted to rocket off the bed in stunned fulfillment as a climax broke over her. It was a small climax, and it didn’t taper off, but built again, into an even higher state of arousal.

  His tongue played expertly with her clit, making her whimper with inexpressible desire. He seemed to understand all the same. Then, his mouth closed over her little nub, his teeth playing gently over the slight distention, making her jump in surprised delight. She’d never felt anything like this before.

  All the while, his finger fucked her, slowly. Steadily. Making her want more. And more.

  She came again, and again the passion regrouped quickly and sent her into an even higher state of anticipation. What was this magic he had about him? Were all shifters so sexually gifted? If so, their mates were truly blessed.

  As she regrouped from the most recent climax, he removed his hand and mouth, repositioning himself. She was disappointed for only a moment until she realized his intent. Finally. He showed her the goods she’d only glimpsed up to now.

  Just as she’d thought. A thick, long, hard cock, eager and ready for joining. Claiming. Imprinting.

  Once he took her, she doubted she’d ever be the same again, but that was all right with her. So much had happened since she’d met him the day before. She wasn’t the same person, even now. It only made sense to see the transformation through to its conclusion. What she would be after this, only the Mother of All knew, but Diana trusted Her enough to hope the caterpillar would become a gloriously fulfilled butterfly.

  “You’re mine, Diana. Just so you know. There’s no going back now.” He paused, positioning himself at her entrance to meet her gaze. His tone was possessive, his expression serious. It drove her to look for words, though he’d driven most of them from her mind with his sexual skill.

  “Take me. I am yours,” she managed, agreeing with his claim, proud of herself for coming up with four whole words when her mind was in the torpor of passionate chaos. They must’ve been the right words because he smiled triumphantly and drove his shaft home, up into her willing core.

  Yes! He was so big and so warm. It took her a few moments to adjust, and he gave them to her, holding still, his cock engulfed by her body, claiming him as he claimed her. It was a beautiful moment, but not meant to last.

  As soon as she grew almost used to his size and girth, he began to move.

  What followed was the wildest ride of her life. Fast, then slow, then fast again, in varying patterns, Stone rode her through peak after peak and still drove her higher. When the ultimate crisis came, he waited for her to crest the wave before joining her, shouting her name as he stiffened, his face rigid with the pleasure she had enjoyed over and over. At his hands.

  She was feeling it again, her body thrumming happily as he finally joined her in bliss. She held onto him, loving the feel of his strong shoulders under her hands. Never had she been with such a man. Such a considerate lover. Such a skilled seducer of the senses.

  Never had she felt the instant connection she felt with Adam Stone. Her Adam. Now…and forever?

  Oh, man. She had it bad.

  But he’d been so forceful before. Saying she was his in that tone of voice that made her insides all wiggly. Maybe he was feeling as possessive of her as she was of him, but doubts rose in her mind, even as he turned them on their sides and cuddled her close.

  “You’re amazing, Diana,” he whispered, kissing her temple as he spooned her against him.

  She’d never felt so cherished in all her life. No man she’d been with before had wanted to just hold her afterwards. Not like this. This man was so damned special, it brought a tear to her eye that, thankfully, he couldn’t see from his position behind her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she replied, keeping the emotion from her voice as best she could.

  He seemed to hear it anyway. He turned her in his arms to look into her eyes.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

  “Are you kidding. No, of course you didn’t hurt me. It was wonderful. Best I’ve ever had,” she told him.

  His expression lightened as he smiled. “Best ever, huh?”

  She swatted his arm. “Don’t let it go to your head,” she told him, able to laugh now too. He was such an amazing man. How did she get so lucky as to catch his eye? And how long would she be able to keep it?

  “Don’t go broody on my, love,” he said, his smile fading as he cupped her cheek. “Tell me what has you troubled.”

  “Nothing,” she lied quickly, but his brows lowered as his expression grew stormy.

  She realized something. “Hey, I don’t see the glow around you

  She looked again, seeing only his handsome face and glowering eyes. She saw the spark of his magic deep within, but the glow that had started out as blinding had faded to just a faint outline now. Thank heavens.

  “Your body is adapting to your new senses,” he told her. “That’s good. But it also means that you’re closer to shifting than I realized. I didn’t expect your magic to manifest so soon.” He reached out and kissed her lips tenderly. “I wanted to be closer to you before you shifted for the first time. I wanted you to be sure of your place here.”

  “In your house?” She sent him a confused look. He touched her, and her mind went on vacation, it seemed.

  “In my life,” he corrected gently. “I want you in my life, now and forever, Little Red. Didn’t your granny tell you anything about shifter mating?”

  “She said that shifters knew almost right away who their mates were when they met. Are you saying—?”

  “You’re my mate.” He cut her off with the most amazing declaration she’d never expected to hear. And in her heart, an answering clamor rose.

  “I think you’re my mate too,” she told him in a quiet voice, watching his beautiful, smoldering brown gaze to see his reaction.

  Heat flared in his eyes. Heat and magic and the power of the Light. Yes. This man—this beautiful werewolf—was meant to be hers. She could feel it deep in her soul.

  And wonder of wonders, he seemed to feel it too. Praise be the Mother of All.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They lay in bed together the rest of the afternoon, making love again, and solidifying the fragile new bonds between them. Stone continued to show her new heights to which he could drive her passion, and for her part, Diana began to tingle in every part of her being. It was a gentle buzz at first, but as they lay together in the aftermath of the best sex she’d ever had, she started to feel distinctly strange.

  Her vision flared again, into the shiny energy patterns, but this time, it wasn’t painful. Maybe she was getting used to it?

  Unable to stay still any longer, she got up and padded into the en suite bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face and cleaned up a bit in other ways, but it didn’t help. The itch under her skin grew wilder, and fire started licking through her veins. Outside the small window in the bathroom, she could see that it was much later in the day than she’d thought. The sun was riding low on the horizon, sunset truly coming on in all its glory, painting the desert in reds, golds and oranges.

  “Everything all right?” Her lover’s voice came to her as if from far away, but she registered the warmth of his presence behind her as she stood, transfixed, at the window.

  “I need…” She shook her head and tried again. “I need to be out there,” she told him. “I need to feel the last rays of this day’s sun on my feathers.”

  Feathers? Had she really just said feathers? And did she even realize what she’d just said?


  “Okay, love,” Stone crooned to her, lifting her in his arms and walking as fast as he could to the back of the house and the door that would lead…either to a beautiful destiny…or his deepest despair.

  He pushed the handle downward with the edge of his hand and kicked the door open. Then, they were outside, in the heat of the dying day. Hopefully, that would be the only thing dying tonight.

  Stone sensed her crisis was near. Whatever the trigger, her phoenix wanted out, and he sensed it was about to show itself in a big way. He only prayed their new bonds were strong enough to bring her back once she’d tasted the freedom of flight.

  Stone set her on her feet on the patio behind his house. He liked to sleep out here in his wolf form sometimes, so the area was tiled and kept neat. She’d be okay barefoot, as long as she stayed to the patio area.

  She wore only his discarded shirt, which she’d thrown on when she’d headed for the bathroom. He’d liked that little show of modesty. And he liked even more that she’d covered herself with his scent. That meant something special to shifters. Especially wolves.

  “The sun is setting,” she whispered, leaning back against him as he looped his arms loosely around her waist.

  They were both facing the setting sun. She was watching it, as if the brightness of its rays could do her no harm. Stone was watching her, knowing she held his future in her hands. All would be decided within minutes, he reckoned.

  “You want to chase it, don’t you?” he asked, knowing he’d never voiced a more important, or difficult, question.

  Slowly, she nodded. “It calls me.”

  He released her and moved around to stand in front of her, momentarily blocking her view of the setting sun. He had to get through to her before she took off. He might never see her again after, and if so, he wanted her to know… So much. Too much to say in such a short moment out of time.

  But he had to try.

  “This is a big step, love,” he said quietly, holding her gaze. He could see flames leaping in the depths of her eyes, and he knew she was close to becoming what she had always been meant to be. “Just please remember that I’m waiting here, on the ground, for you. I want you to come back. No. I need you to come back. My life would be forever incomplete without you.”

  Water filled her eyes for a short moment but was quickly burned off. “I feel the same about you, Adam,” she whispered. “But I really have to…do…something…right now.”

  As he watched, her entire body clenched, as if in pain. He knew first timers had a hard time shifting sometimes. It was up to him to show her the way.

  He kissed her forehead and let her go completely. “Watch me, Diana. Let go and come with me as I let the animal spirit take control for a moment. Don’t fight it.”

  He stepped a short distance away, still holding her gaze and let the wolf come. He was already naked. He hadn’t bothered to dress after rising from the messy bed.

  He let the magic take hold of him and felt an answering rise in hot, phoenix-flavored magic coming from Diana. Stone let the wolf take him, but he stopped in the half-shift battle form when it looked like Diana was having a hard time giving over control of her body.

  “Let go, Diana. Let the firebird merge with you,” he advised, his voice tinged with the rough rumble of his wolf in half-shifted form.

  That seemed to do the trick. The phoenix energy burst free in a blinding flash. Stone had to look away, and when he was able to look back, the woman was gone. The firebird trailed streamers of bright orange fire as her talons clattered against the tile of his back patio. Then, she launched herself into the sky.

  Stone let the wolf take complete control, finishing his shift and raced after her as fast as his four legs could carry him. He was Alpha. He was swift. But she was born to fly, and she sped toward the setting sun, chasing it around the world. Halfway across Pack territory, Stone stopped running, allowing himself to trot more easily on a dirt road that only Pack members used to get to some of the more remote homes in their territory.

  Fearing the worst, Stone stopped and sat, howling for his mate, praying for her return.

  The freedom was amazing! She was flying. She was really flying! And the sun was taunting her, sinking on the horizon, daring her to chase it. She flew as fast as her magical feathers would take her, guessing she might look like a bright orange streak across the sky to anyone who could see magic.

  But she didn’t care. All that mattered was the sun. It was leaving her behind. Running away relentlessly while she chased behind. She had to catch it! She had to catch up.

  Nothing mattered but her race with the sun. She wanted so much to bask in its warmth, to join with it and burn in its fiery flames.

  Then, she heard a wolf howl in the distance. Faint, but unmistakable. It sounded so sad. So wounded.

  What? Her human mind was puzzled.

  The wolf was sad. She wanted to go back and comfort it. To tell him she’d never leave him behind. But the sun…

  The firebird wanted the flames, but Diana decided that her firebird
half was a bit on the nutcase side. Burning up in the sun? Forget that nonsense. The sun would rise again tomorrow, and she’d see it then. For now, Adam was sad and she suspected she was the cause of his upset. She had to fix that. She had to fix her mate. Her human side and her newly discovered animal spirit agreed. The mate was paramount. His happiness was more important than her own.

  Wheeling in the sky as if she’d been born to fly, Diana retraced her path, back toward her waiting wolf.

  She found him, not where she’d left him, but on a dusty road miles from the tiled patio from which she’d arisen. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was howling in pain, and she knew, in her heart, she had caused it. She had to make it right.

  Circling down from above, she spiraled closer to her mate. She hadn’t realized she’d climbed quite so high. Were there any limits to how high the firebird could fly? She’d have to test that later, but for now, she wanted the Earth beneath her feet and her mate in her arms.

  She realized quickly that he’d run after her. He’d covered all that distance on his wolf paws. He must be really fast to have made it so far in what had been only a few minutes. Or was it hours? No. Minutes. The sun wasn’t down completely yet. It may have felt like longer, but it was only about fifteen or twenty minutes in the mundane world.

  Good. She’d hate to think she’d prolonged her mate’s unhappiness.

  She wanted to call out to him but didn’t quite know how. She opened her beak and a trilling whistle came out, unlike anything she’d ever heard before. Adam must’ve heard it though, because he looked up suddenly, pinpointing her progress as she spiraled down over him, getting closer and closer.

  His howling ceased, and he rose to all four feet then shifted in a burst of golden-green magic to his two-footed human form. He stood there, tears making tracks down either side of his face that he didn’t bother to hide. Gloriously naked. Watching her.

  Oh, my. When the Mother of All picked a mate for someone, She sure knew what she was doing. There could be no more handsome man in all the universe. No more caring and thoughtful a partner to share her life with. No other for Diana, but Adam. Her man. Her mate.